Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS™) is a United States Postal Service (USPS) acronym that is widely used when referring to verification status of an address list. For an address list to receive CASS™ certification, it must be checked against the USPS Address Matching System (AMS), and the barcode and the corresponding 11-digit delivery ZIP code must be added. Only addresses with both the delivery ZIP code and barcode are eligible for automation bulk mailing rate discounts. To ensure a mailing list is up to date, it should undergo CASS™ certification every three months for carrier route mailings, and six months for non-carrier route mailers.
Allmail USA uses the latest CASS™ certification technology to help our clients ensure a high percentage delivery rate and keep the cost of their mailing as low as possible.
For more information call 314-426-6245 or email